Timor Leste Dry Process Laclo

Timor Leste Dry Process Laclo
THE FARM: This lot is from Laclo village, in Aileu, but right on the border of neighboring Ermera, not too far from Dukarai. Farmers from Laclo are delivering whole coffee cherry from their farms to a central processing station where it is graded and processed. The cherry collection station and mill where the coffee is handled are run by the same Farmpro group who we've bought Timor Leste coffee from the last few years, and they only continue to refine their process. Not only is the Laclo farmer group one of the larger groups they're buying from, it's also boasts some of the highest altitudes. Farms in Laclo start around 1600 meters above sea leve and stretch up as hish as 1800 meters. The Daurfusu wet mill is located in Dukurai village, Letefoho District. Initially comprised of 37 members in Dukurai, the operation has cast a wider net the last couple of years, now buying coffee from neighboring high altitude zones as well, like Laclo.
OUR ROAST: The smells in the ground coffee and wet aromatics are intense with winey fruits that are rustic-tinged. Notes of berry wines and fermented banana take the underlying sweetness to a near cloying degree that's just super intense all around. The cup is syrupy with fruit flavors, like apricot and nectarine that have an overripe edginess to them.
*** All prices are per pound ***