Ethiopia Mirabawi Buna SWP Decaf

Ethiopia Mirabawi Buna SWP Decaf


THE FARM: This lot is mostly made up of coffees from Ethiopia's Western Jimma region. The bulk of it is split between two larger scale farms run by Dehab Mesfin, near the Bonga forest in Kafa, and Senna Katta Mountain farm, in Limu's Boter forest reserve.

Caffeine is removed using Swiss Water Decaf, which uses a patented chemical-free, water-decaffeination process to remove 99.9% of the coffee's caffeine content. The technique is gentle on the coffee's organic structure, leaving much of the aromatic compounds that affect flavor and aroma intact.

OUR ROAST: as far as decafs go, the aromatic qualities make it stand out from the pack, and will likely fly under the radar as being decaf at all. The dry fragrance gives off dried fruit, like raisin and prune, with aromatic sugars and berries. The wet aroma had more intense fruited characteristics that skewed to the 'winey' side, accented by dark spice notes. Mirabawi Buna is a very sweet brewed coffee, and origin flavors become easier to pinpoint the longer you sip it.

*** All prices are per pound ***

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